The Grove Entry Marker’s Inspiration

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The new neon Grove entry marker was inspired from historic, retro signs that are seen in popular, pedestrian friendly communities in San Diego, California.  These signs are hung by rods and cables, rather than the arched-truss signs that are most often constructed today.

One of those lively communities is Normal Heights.  Their neon sign was built in 1940 and restored in 1977.

Kensington (a self proclaimed “small town” community), and Normal Heights contain the only two original neon signs left in San Diego, CA.  Kensington’s sign was built in 1954 and in 2008 it was designated unanimously by the City of San Diego’s Historical Resources Board as a historical site.

Hillcrest is another community located within San Diego.  In 2007, Hillcrest was voted as one of America’s top ten Great Neighborhoods in America by the American Planning Association because of their pedestrian-friendly qualities.  Their neon sign was a gift to the community from local shop owners.  It was first erected in 1940 and was taken down and rebuilt in 1984.

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